Phantoms of the Firehouse, presented by MUBI: DEF BY TEMPTATION | IN-PERSON (10/27)

Phantoms of the Firehouse, presented by MUBI: DEF BY TEMPTATION | IN-PERSON (10/27)
Chicago Filmmakers (map) | Friday, October 27 at 9:15PM Central
PRODUCERS: James Bond III, Nelson George, Kevin Harewood, Michael Herz, Charles Huggins, Lloyd Kaufman, Hajna O. Moss, Kervin Simms
STARRING: James Bond III, Kadeem Hardison, Bill Nunn, Samuel L. Jackson
Total Run Time: 95 mins
Chicago Filmmakers does not deny admission to those who do not have the ability to make a donation. Please email coop [at] to inquire about free admission.
“Contributes to a Black filmmaking tradition that does not wish to replicate the sensibilities or aesthetic leanings . . . of Hollywood.”
-- Robin R. Means Coleman, author of HORROR NOIRE
Joel grew up in the church but has recently started questioning his beliefs. After sensing a supernatural presence from his deceased father, Joel becomes compelled to visit his cousin in New York. But shortly after arriving, they become embroiled in a series of mysterious homicides of local men, all of whom were last seen in the company of a mysterious and beautiful woman. Beautifully photographed by Ernest Dickerson (DO THE RIGHT THING) and starring Kadeem Hardison (I'M GONNA GIT YOU SUCKA) and Samuel L. Jackson (PULP FICTION), this sole directorial effort from child actor James Bond III is a macabre, neon-tinged portrait of late 1980s Brooklyn. The movie blends supernatural horror and religious mysticism, punctuated by an electrifying hip hop and R&B soundtrack. Newly restored from the original 35mm camera negative!
Presented by MUBI