All great films start with a blank page. Through screenings, readings, discussion, and critiques you will learn the principles of formatting, character development, dialog, structure, narrative progression, and even what to do with your finished screenplay!
Course Length: 8 weeks
Times: Wednesdays, 6:30 - 9:30 PM Central
Location: Online
Instructor: Paul Peditto
Become a Chicago Filmmakers Member and receive $15 off all classes as well as other benefits!
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This class will be held online via Zoom on Wednesdays, April 9 to May 28 from 6:30 – 9:30PM Central.
Want to translate your idea into a feature or short film? This course is designed to introduce beginning writers to the fundamentals of writing a screenplay. Through screenings, readings, discussion, and critiques, students will engage with character development, dialogue, structure, narrative progression, and what to do with a finished screenplay. Students should use this course as a springboard towards generating the first draft of a feature-length screenplay or completing a short film script.
Technical requirements: Students can access the course via a computer or smartphone. While access to a webcam or phone camera is preferable, only audio and the ability to view video are required. Students will need to install the Zoom app on their computer or smartphone, but no account is required.
Course taught by Paul Peditto
“I am absolutely blown away by the fact that in my very FIRST screenplay writing class ever, I was able to complete act 1 and am moving forward. I am beyond thrilled that I was able to learn format, and I never expected to come out of class with a screenplay started, and in proper format!”